Custom interiors
with traditional
craft techniques

In Kyoto, a city that has been a symbol of Japanese culture for a millennium, Iwata Houraiya has been producing and restoring Buddhist altars, Buddhist altar accessories and statues, and designing the interior spaces within temples, with a team of craftsmen whose skills have been handed down to us since the Heian period.
We wish to pass on to future generations, the wonderful thousand-year-old quality craft techniques of ancient Japan. We challenge ourselves to produce lux interior furniture that can be incorporated into anyone's lifestyle.

Artisan teams are
formed for each
handmade product
Artisan teams
are formed for
each handmade

We bring together artisans to form a team creating traditional crafts.
We produce woodworking, wood carving, lacquering, gilding, waxing, colouring, maki-e and decorative metal findings with careful attention to details in the handcrafting.
The work is not mass-produced, and is designed with the intention of it to be repeatedly repaired and restored in the future.
The company is committed to making products that are environmentally friendly, high in quality and sustainable, so as to be loved for generations to come.

Collaboration with artists
with artists

In order to make traditional Kyoto crafts more familiar, we have planned collaboration projects with various artists and designers. We will create an unprecedented interior that utilizes traditional techniques.
丸山 剛史

Takeshi Maruyama
丸山 剛史
Takeshi Maruyama
丸山 剛史

丸山 剛史

The "tmdu" [takeshi maruyama design unit] aims to build an innovative global network for designing, consulting and managing architectural, interior, furniture, landscape and graphic projects. "tmdu" stands for Japanese spirit and quality. Mr. Takeshi Maruyama established the "tmdu" after completing work for a major Japanese contractor and architectural firm in Dubai. He currently works to expand recognition of craftspersonship of Japan through his global network.

ドバイの建築デザイン事務所 tmdu [takeshi maruyama design unit] は、グローバルなネットワークを構築しながら、建築、インテリア、家具、ランドスケープ、グラフィックなど、あらゆるプロジェクトのデザイン、コンサルティング、マネジメントを行っている。代表の丸山剛史氏は日本の大手ゼネコン、ドバイの建築事務所を経てtmduを設立しており、現地の大学で建築の教鞭を取りつつ、国際的な人財を活かしながら日本のものづくりの魅力を世界に発信している。

Garnier et Linker
©︎ Damian Noszkowicz

Garnier et Linker
Garnier et Linker

Garnier et Linker
©︎ Damian Noszkowicz

Guillaume Garnier and Florent Linker are two French creators based in Paris. Their work is about giving a contemporary design to rare materials and savoir-faire. As designers, they get their inspiration from decorative arts and sculpture, to create pure-shaped forms revealing their materiality. With their background in interior design, they offer objects that meet all demands of modern interiors, with bespoke options according to architects and decorators needs.

Guillaume Garnierと、Florent Linkerにより設立された、家具デザインのスタジオです。彼らのもの作りにおいては、伝統的な素材を現代的に活かすことや、匠の技を感じさせることが意識され、作品はドラマチックで独特な雰囲気を持ちます。

Design Guild Tokyo

Design Guild Tokyo
Design Guild Tokyo

Design Guild Tokyo

Established in 2007, Design Guild Tokyo is a platform for normally unassociated individual and commercial designers to be brought together for the purpose of competing a project. It is a group that functions like a virtual design company with about 50 designers, architects, creators and consultants. Each member is able to bring to the table their unique experiences, knowledge, abilities and design taste.



Please see the product production results.
Please see the product
production results.

We are challenging new attempts with various artists.


Please see the product production results.

Click on the contact button
for a consultation on utilizing the traditional crafts of Kyoto.
